Environment Policy

Bizxpert is committed to achieve high performance throughout the business. Compliance with all environmental legislation pertinent to our activities is a minimum requirement and an integral part of this policy.

The ultimate responsibility for environmental performance lies with our Management who will ensure that equal priority is being given with other major business objectives.
Implementation of this policy is a line management responsibility at all levels together with participation of all employees.

To this end we will:

  • Pursue continuous improvements in environmental performance and the management system.
  • Promote waste recycling and recovery and endeavor to replace the use of non-sustainable natural resources.
  • Identify environmental risks and use all practical measures to bring these down.
  • Have an ongoing commitment to informing and educating legitimate interested parties about our activities.
  • Have an ongoing commitment to develop all personnel.
  • Where ever possible source materials and services locally to minimize transport impacts and support the local economy .
  • Work with suppliers to minimize the impact of their operations on the environment.
  • We are committed to increase the proportion of materials that are reused, recycled or recovered in the form of secondary materials from the waste volumes it handles.